Ten Ways You May Be Annoying Proposal Reviewers (Part Two)
Proposal writing is no easy task. But with all the time teams spend pouring over RFP requirements, it is surprising how little time is dedic
PDFs Part One: Four Ways to Improve Electronic Proposals
Proposal professionals have long explored ways to optimize their hard copy submissions, from adjusting paper colors, tabs, and binding...
10 Downtime Activities for Proposal Writers
Proposal writing is time-consuming work, often with 16-hour days, nonexistent weekends, and deadline-driven chaos. Add in the effects of...
The Ultimate Proposal Editing Checklist
Proposals are important. And with a growing focus on procurement transparency, a high quality proposal can mean the difference between a...
Three Steps Prospects Take to Evaluate Your Proposals
Ever heard of a Red Team review? If not, here’s the deal: It’s basically a mock proposal evaluation, done to predict how the customer...